In expressionist music: Arnold Schoenberg(1874-1951) creates music written in the twelve-tone style. This music has specific rules. You must use all twelve notes, once, before repeating or reorganizing. You may repeat a singular note or toggle between two, but nothing else. In that way, within a melody, you cannot repeat a phrase, fall back to a note, or even follow a single key signature, because twelve tones contains all the accidentals. Alban Berg (1885-1935) was a member of the Second Viennese School, same as Schoenberg.He also used the twelve-tone technique. He taught a style of composition where a piece is derived from a single melody: theme and variation. In his Piano Sonata, he derives the entire composition from the opening quartal gesture and phrase.
In futurism music: futurists abandoned the "artistically suffocating so-called great music" operas and classical works for noises such as explosions and human sobs. In a letter by Luigi Russolo, "Recently, the poet Marinetti... described to me with marvelous free words the orchestra of a great battle... ZANG-TUMB-TUUUMB toc-toc-toc-toc [fast]crooc-craac [slowly] crys of officers slamming about like brass plates pans here paak there BUUUM ching chack [very fast] cha-cha-cha-cha-chaak down there around high up look out you head beautiful! Flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing..." Francesco Balilla Pratella wrote the Futurism Music Manifesto. He says, his purpose is "To combat the venal and ignorant critics with assiduous contempt, liberating the public from the pernicious effects of their writing."
In futurism music: futurists abandoned the "artistically suffocating so-called great music" operas and classical works for noises such as explosions and human sobs. In a letter by Luigi Russolo, "Recently, the poet Marinetti... described to me with marvelous free words the orchestra of a great battle... ZANG-TUMB-TUUUMB toc-toc-toc-toc [fast]crooc-craac [slowly] crys of officers slamming about like brass plates pans here paak there BUUUM ching chack [very fast] cha-cha-cha-cha-chaak down there around high up look out you head beautiful! Flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing..." Francesco Balilla Pratella wrote the Futurism Music Manifesto. He says, his purpose is "To combat the venal and ignorant critics with assiduous contempt, liberating the public from the pernicious effects of their writing."